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Re: Decisions to be made

Posted by: townfarmer <townfarmer@...>

I haven't seen anything from Michael but havent

't been online much lately. I love this forum and really miss it. I
recently became a member of Facebook. My online name is Sarah
Andrew-Larson. I read any of the posts that come through email and really
miss getting posts. It's funny because I was thinking yesterday about
making the time to post an update.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 5:12 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Decisions to be made

Well ladies, I am waiting in response to see who is
reading infrequent messages. All of you should have
received a message from Michael regarding this
account. We all have our fond memories of our
friend Marci and the closeness she kept with us. No
one wants to be a new moderator, but is there
anyone that feels we should continue on here? We
have the Facebook page but I know some do not have
Facebook. Please be honest in your reply. A short
yes or no will do.
I do miss reading mail from you all, but life and
time is fleeting! I was reading the moderator rules
but am overwhelmed with mumbo jumbo. I think if we
keep posting we can keep it open amongst ourselves.
Please drop a line with your input.

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