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Re: Diary.

Posted by: angeliakay <angeliakay@...>

Hi - Don't know if ya'll are interested in my day, but here goes.

We wake around 5:30 and start the coffee. My hubby gets ready for work and
I fix his breakfast and lunch. We eat together and then he is off to work
by 6:30. I check the email and have a cup of coffee.

I wake the girls (17, 15, 14, 11 and 9) by 7:00. Everyone dresses and then
chores begin.
We are milking 3 Nubians right now and we milk, clean and then do the
straining and processing. At the same time the others are feeding the
rabbits, chickens, sheep and dogs/cats. We collect eggs and fill nest
boxes. Then everyone comes in and has breakfast.

Once the laundry is started and clothes are hung out, we do one more check
of the house and then head for the school room. ( A separate building just
past the barn.)
My herb garden is just outside the front door so I always stop and check
it, pick a few weeds, dead head some flowers or just pull some lemon balm to
smell of as I walk. I always check my roses for aphids in the morning so
that I can deal with that before they do damage.

We have school from -no later than 8:00 until we are done - usually before
12:00. I am only down there until about 10:30 getting everyone squared away
on the day's work and then I come back to the house. We have an intercom
from the schoolroom to the house so I am in constant contact with the girls
if they have a question. At this point I make bread or pasta (2 times a
week), sew/quilt, spin or weave or do some gardening. We wear headcoverings
and plain dresses so I have many items that have to be sewn.

We work on our garden early in the mornings or in the afternoon depending on
the heat. Right now we are doing most of it after 3:00 p.m. We have two
gardens - the BIG garden which has our main crops and the little garden
which is salad items, more herbs and specialty items I am experimenting
with. We go through all the gardens each day to pick bugs, check for
problems or spot water. We weed constantly to keep the weeds from setting
seed thus continuing their growing cycle.

My husband is home by 4:45 and we have supper and relax together for about
an hour. Then we either have a project or do a family Bible study or read
together. Right now we are working on the book by Scott Savage called The
Plain Reader.

All the girls have to be either asleep or in their rooms by 9:00 so that
Paul and I can have time to be together before bed. Sorry this is so long,
but so is my day!

Angelia (I will use my full name instead of Angie since there are 2 of us.)