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Re: homesteadheaven Digest 15 Jul 2001 09:00:38 -0000 Issue 95

Posted by: MSCHWARTZ7 <MSCHWARTZ7@...>

Hello Ladies!
I am usually lurking but wanted to share a PRAISE! A very dear friend of
mine had a healthy baby boy on Sat. night. He is her sixth child. The Lord
really worked in my friend's life the last weeks of her pregnancy. She told
me and some other friends of ours that she was terrified of giving birth,
that the pain was excruciating and she didn't know if she could endure the
labor and delivery. I have been trying to teach Christian Childbirth classes
for the last few years but haven't had much success -- I feel God is sublty
telling me it is not time yet as I still have young children. However, when
I heard my friend's plea for help I took her out for ice cream and we talked
about "things." I brought two wonderful books for her to look at and offered
to be with her during labor and delivery. She read the books and took heed.
Everytime I talked to her the next few weeks she thanked me over and over for
the books (they are books about childbirth written from a Christian
perspective). Anyway, to make a long story short -- she realized that she
had been, in her words, "doing everything wrong" in past deliveries and after
reading the books, praying and practicing -- had the BEST labor and delivery
she has ever had -- Praise God!!! I am so humbly thankful that God used me
to help her!! Please pray for me in this ministry to our sisters who are
bringing God's gift of children into this world!! Thanks for letting me