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Re: homesteadheaven Digest 4 Aug 2001 09:00:11 -0000 Issue 119

Posted by: MSCHWARTZ7 <MSCHWARTZ7@...>

Hi all,
While I don't remember the feed sack days, I read an interesting article in
"Reminisce" magazine about those days! There were some great pictures of
garments made from feed sacks and interesting stories of the women who made
them and women who collect feed sacks now. I learned some things I didn't
know like the reason they used feed sacks (b/c of WWII and the shortage of
textiles). I've also seen a shop at Baltimore harbor (a "ritzy" specialty
shop) where they featured dresses and jumpers made out of "vintage" linens
(ie tablecloths) -- guess what they were asking for these clothes -- at least
$100.00!!! (some much more) Man, if only I had kept more of my grandmothers
tablecloths -- I could build my fortune!! LOL!