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Re: homesteadheaven Digest 6 Jun 2001 09:00:50 -0000 Issue 58

Posted by: MSCHWARTZ7 <MSCHWARTZ7@...>

good day, ladies! I need some tomato help! We've lived on our "farm" for
about 5 years now and every year I have tried to grow tomatoes with limited
success. If they grow tall and the stems and leaves look healthy then the
tomatoes are black and rotten on the bottom. Some years the plants don't
even look all that great and therefore barely produce. I've tried
fertilizing (with miracle grow and other types) but this hasn't helped much.
This year they seem to be doing worse than in previous years! And I love a
good tomato and mayo sandwich!!! Was also hoping to can! I'm still a novice
gardener so please advise!