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Re: drying clothes : ) inside - advantage

Posted by: Jewelrybydesign <Jewelrybydesign@...>

Hi all:

Well, not lurking again - :). As I mentioned, I've hung clothes in the house
now for about 9 maybe 10 years. We lived without electricity for 2 1/2
years. Then temporary electricity for another 7 or so years - so a dryer was
out of the question.

When we went permanent power my husband told me I could get a dryer now. And
I stated - nope, don't want one.

You see, with a dryer, when the load is done - I need to be there to take the
clothes out, fold, hang up, etc. Tied down to that dryer. With hanging my
clothes up I can take them down when I want - and when I have the time. I
love it! No trouble - doesn't take long at all to hang up clothes.

Just my experience.


Sam (nickname for Sharon 🙂