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Re: Erin

Posted by: QuiverFullFamily <QuiverFullFamily@...>

Our 2 oldest kiddos will be at the birth. They always have the option to go in another part of the house, but so far they're both very excited about watching the birth. I'm a little nervous about the birth, but only because I had a baby just 5 months ago, by c-section. I'm concerned about the hype of uterine rupture I think ...... but I know God will take care of me & this baby. I've actually had 4 c-sections total w/ one VBAC after the 3rd baby.
I forgot to mention that I'm also getting in to natural herbs & remedies too. I think God put the herbs here for us to use & they're much better than meds. perscribed by a dr. (although I do use those, last ditch effort). Again, welcome to the group. I hope you have fun here.
God bless,

Patricks Rib/Helpmate, happy stay & play at home mommy of 5 bright arrows & vessel for Gods' newest creation (Riz #6)

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