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Re: Feed

Posted by: UNEEDJC7 <UNEEDJC7@...>


Feed depends on where you live. Every area has some deficiencies that has to
be made up in the feed. Check your local ag extension to find out what yours

What works for me where I am will not work for you if you are in a different
areas with different deficiencies.

Be very careful on your mixes - as they can damage the rumen. You might want
to call your local feed mill or grain mill and ask if they have a recipe on
hand for goats. Some do, some don't - depends on how many goat people are
in your area. If noone on the list has one that is nutritionally sound,
see if you can get a good goat book at the library or bookstore that would
have one in it.

Having a recipe and mixing it up at the grain mill is definately cheaper and
it's nice not to make all those trips to the feed store :o)