Re: Fire, friends, and rain
Quote from Forum Archives on July 17, 2017, 11:56 amPosted by: bossypantsblueeyes <bossypantsblueeyes@...>
Hi Heather and everyone!We are having rain and cool days (high today supposed to be low 80s), and wishing summer would slow down! I was swimming in our above-ground pool every day but not getting to swim much now because the clouds build early and the water is too cold. Dh and I have been moving some stuff around in the house preparing to refinish wood floors in one area before building a closet where a desk used to sit. We have quite a few outdoor projects to finish but the weather isn't cooperating these days. We still have lots of apples on our trees, but didn't plant any veggies this year. We had several instances of hail in June which beat up some flowers I had in pots.My two girls and youngest son finished their mission trip in Kenya yesterday and are now flying to Abu Dhabi with a scheduled arrival around 8 p.m. this evening. They are 9-10 hours ahead of us. Tomorrow morning, they will fly from Abu Dhabi to LA and then from LA to El Paso. They will land a little before midnight in El Paso, then face a nearly three hour drive home. I don't expect to see them until Wednesday afternoon, nearly two weeks after they left on their trip! I am excited for them to be home and to hear all about their trip. They were scheduled to go on a safari Saturday. I'm hoping they have taken lots of great photos.Thursday, dh and I will travel to Texas to take a car to Brandon. We haven't seen him or Dustin since Christmas, so we are looking forward to our visit. We will come home that day as dh has to work Friday, but will at least get to go to lunch with them.I think Suzi is still in Utah. I don't know if they get snow as early there as they did in Wyoming. We are already talking about going woodcutting especially with the cooler weather we're having now. I hope August is hot and sunny so I can swim a bunch before we take down the pool.I hope you all have a great week!Lisa NMOn Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 5:12 AM, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:Oh my goodness! If you were in the evacuation area
why wouldn't they let you leave? of course I guess
there's no better place to be than near a safety
vehicle! Despite the red cloud of anti- fire
material what a beautiful view!
I try to keep up with checking my emails and just
saw this. Hopefully by now everything is okay . How
is everyone ? The weather man says no rain but then
we have a gigantic storm comes in. The slugs are
having a field day on my plants.
We've had a few more changes over the last month.
My youngest closing on her house came around the
holiday so she is busy over there fixing up her new
home. Tom has said enough to his old job and has
started a new one. They have already sent him on a
work trip to North Carolina for a week. He's not
thrilled about the flying aspect but this is a much
better situation and job that he is in. It's doing
the same kind of work, but a better atmosphere. Who
all do we have left here? I catch up on Facebook
with some of you and see what you're doing , but I
know there are a few of you that you can only write
in. Lisa I see lots of things happening south of
Albuquerque and within the state and think of you.
Of course California is always hopping with news .
And Michelle , how are the girls and all the
grandbabies? Since it's almost the end of July I
wonder if Suzi is still on? I suspect she will be
calling us know soon !
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Posted by: bossypantsblueeyes <bossypantsblueeyes@...>
Oh my goodness! If you were in the evacuation area
why wouldn't they let you leave? of course I guess
there's no better place to be than near a safety
vehicle! Despite the red cloud of anti- fire
material what a beautiful view!
I try to keep up with checking my emails and just
saw this. Hopefully by now everything is okay . How
is everyone ? The weather man says no rain but then
we have a gigantic storm comes in. The slugs are
having a field day on my plants.
We've had a few more changes over the last month.
My youngest closing on her house came around the
holiday so she is busy over there fixing up her new
home. Tom has said enough to his old job and has
started a new one. They have already sent him on a
work trip to North Carolina for a week. He's not
thrilled about the flying aspect but this is a much
better situation and job that he is in. It's doing
the same kind of work, but a better atmosphere. Who
all do we have left here? I catch up on Facebook
with some of you and see what you're doing , but I
know there are a few of you that you can only write
in. Lisa I see lots of things happening south of
Albuquerque and within the state and think of you.
Of course California is always hopping with news .
And Michelle , how are the girls and all the
grandbabies? Since it's almost the end of July I
wonder if Suzi is still on? I suspect she will be
calling us know soon !
mail2web - Check your email from the web at
WANNA READ THE ARCHIVES AND CATCH UP ON WHAT YOU'VE BEEN MISSING??? GO TO:----> Sign in or join up and then sign in.....
Under my groups, click on HomesteadHeaven. Then under latest email messages you can click on any message and read. Once on any message there is a link at the top of the message to go to threads by date.
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