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Re: From Serena's Daughter

Posted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>

From: <a href="">Amazing Graze Farm
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2013 7:36 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] From Serena's Daughter
Serena's daughter posted this today. 
For Team Rennie:

Do you know how sometimes everything just falls into place....and maybe you even worried about it unnecessarily? Well, today, it just could NOT have been a better day! My mother's funeral was a sincere tribute to her life and her love. Even at her service, the songs led by Bro. Steve were sang as a story of the life of Jesus. It was very important, to her, for people to hear that story. My baby, Maggie, and Emma Jones did such a BEAUTIFUL job singing their song for Rennie....I'll Fly Away.....they sounded like little angels.....And them taking turns, reading the words to He Is Our God....I know Mama was smiling as they read it and then we sang it.....Ohhhh, and then my sweet cousin, Anthony Curcio, telling some sweet stories about Mama when we were younger and when she was a young girl ....what better person to get up there and tell those, (She LOVED him like he was her own), EXCEPT for maybe my hubby, Jacky L. Nicholson....after he said what he had to say...well, REALLY, we could have just winded it up, right there, and it would have been a perfect service.... but then we wouldn't have heard Bro Steve speak and we wouldn't have sang those beautiful songs that Mama wanted us to hear. It was ALL perfect. Even down to the end when we finished with Dipherent Rendition singing Angel Band. What a touching and emotional way to end the church service! The day was a beautiful, fall day, the church and graveside service was beautiful and so fitting...the funeral procession must have been over a mile long!!! ....and listen, to TOP it off, three people were baptized into Christ, in the creek, right before sunset, as we headed to one of my mother's favorite places to be, for food and fellowship..... The Petty Farm. So, if you're concerned, in the least, about how we all are doing, well, right now, I can't speak for EVERYONE, but I have a smile on my face....because I know she, too, is smiling and happy in her soul. All the family and friends....the love, hugs and support....She was ALL over the place!! What an amazing day!!

Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!

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