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Re: gardening

Posted by: heritage <heritage@...>

Hi Debra~

We too have lots of rocks to play with! :o) The girls and I are making
another flower bed outlined with rocks. I hope to plant some currant bushes
in it. Early this morning I went and planted lettuce and flowers. I have
about half of the flowers left to plant, took longer than normal, my belly
is starting to get in the way! LOL Then I came in and took a nap in the
sunshine. Now it is clouded over and looks like rain but I am still hoping
to get the other half of the flowers planted. I grow our tomatoes in raised
beds under plastic against the back of the house. They seem to do well

We are still hoping to clear below where we have 3 acres or so of bottom
land. Then we could use it to plant next year. But for now we are hoping to
rent a rototiller and till up a large area. The previous owner raised sled
dogs and the posts are still cemented in. We hope to fence in this area and
grow potatoes, cabbage, carrots, parsnips, peas, and beets. The fence will
be necessary for keeping out the moose. I am excited about this new idea
because I didn't think we would have a very big garden this year. I don't
remember the dimensions, will have to ask hubby.

Our snow is now all gone and the trees are leafing out. The robins have
returned. I think it is safe to say it is now *Springtime in Alaska!" :o)))
Our Father is so good, and His creation marvellous!

Happy gardening Debra and let us know how it is all going...

Blessings in Him~
Gladheart Acres