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Re: giving shots boo-boo's

Posted by: UNEEDJC7 <UNEEDJC7@...>


first of all when giving a shot you have to make sure you do not hit a vein.
when you inject the needle pull back just slightly to see if any blood enters
the syringe. if not, then administer the meds. if so, find another
injection site.

when giving the shot sub q first make sure you do it slowly, very slowly,
this may eliminate the bumps. you can also rub the area after giving the
shot to incorporate the medication into the sub q area. you may want to see
if the meds can be given intramuscular instead. this is harder to do though
so if you are squeemish (like i am) you may just want to stick with the sub
q. intramuscular just gets the meds in there faster.

you also have to make sure you are giving the shot in the right place. do
you have a picture of where to give shots? if not, let me know, i will scan
the pic i have from one of my goat catalogs and send it to you.

for now i would clean out the infected area with some hydrogen peroxide and
either apply iodine or some blue kote (something antiseptic).

Hope this helps

Sandy Covelli
Miracle Acres Farm
Caledonia WI
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