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Re: Goat problems....HELP!!

Posted by: UNEEDJC7 <UNEEDJC7@...>

what do the bumps look like? are they filled with puss or just bumps? is
there any hair around it?

if there is a circle around it with no hair it could very well be ringworm.

if there is just a bump then it could be an infection under the surface or a
reaction to something it has brushed up against.

if they look more like pimples then it could be staph in which case some
penicillins actually useless with it. it could also be goat pox. in either
case be very careful if it ruptures, you don't want to get the stuff on you.
it needs to be cleaned very carefully. ask your vet what to clean it with
and if there is anything else to put on it (like benadryl).

is this doe nursing or just being milked? what order are her and the other
doe milked in? it could be that the other one got it transfered to her if
she was after the first one that is infected. if so, milk them both last and
thoroughly clean all milking instruments, your hands and their udders before
you milk the next.

take their temp too, just to be safe. 103 -105 is normal.

hope this helps a little.