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Re: God is using a 2 X 4 on me

Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

Hi, I know exactly how you feel. I think most of us wives and mothers feel
that way alot. The most wonderful thing is that you are listening to our
Lord and doing your best. I know I sure need a good kick in the pants once
in awhile. God bless you and my prayers are with you. Julie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amazing Graze Farms" <>
To: "A Homesteader's Heaven" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 7:36 PM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] God is using a 2 X 4 on me

My Dear Sisters In The Lord,

It seems that God has been showing me so many weak areas in my life.
He has shown me that I need to start changing some things. I thought I
would share them with you, and then maybe if any feel led, they could
share some insights, or scripture.

I am by nature a very organized person. However, I have let some
areas go, especially in my house. God is a God of order. We are told
in His Word... Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.
I look around my house, and that is not the case. If Jesus were to
visibly walk into my house at times, I would be ashamed. It seems that
I never have time to do some of my first ministries. I can use the
excuse that I run a farm with only one child who is a son, so therefore
I have little to no help, but God equipped me to do what He called me to
do. My first ministries include my husband, my son, and my home. How
can I comfortable practice the gift of hospitality if my house is a

I think about our pioneering ancestors. They did not have lots of
choices like we do. They did not have the ability to run out and get
things or run errands every day. That is how they were able to
accomplish all that they did. I used to pride myself (hmmm.. maybe
this is where the trouble started....) on only going out once a week.
Lately, it seems like 2, 3 or even 4 days find me running somewhere.
You lose so much time when you run around. We quit soccer because it
broke up family time in the evenings. We don't have Joshua take formal
music lessons, because it keeps us running out, etc. There are many
wonderful choices out there, but if by choosing them, I leave off my
first ministries, then I need to question if they are the BEST choice.
Satan often trips us up by helping us make a good choice over the best
one. I am a 4-H leader. Our county fair is in August. As the date
approaches more and more things have to be done and followed up on. I
need to make sure each of the officers is doing their duties, the
committies are doing what they are supposed to do, that everyone is
aware of important events and dates. We really felt led to start a 4-H
club. We prayed and asked God to bring us wonderful families and to
allow us to meet in my home, to save going out. Those prayers came
true. We have great children and we meet in my home. However, if this
is keeping me from my first ministries, then maybe I need to back out,
or else to get help. We are to be making our home a cozy nest that our
family can come in from the world and be blessed and calmed in their
spirits. Especially our husbands who work out in the world. The
computer is another thing that draws me. It is my window to other
humans, other mothers and wives whom I can share with. However, if too
much time is spent there and I let go my first ministries, then I am in

This leads to another thing God is showing me. Do I honor my
husband in all areas? Do I show him I am thrilled that he is home from
work. Do I not do things I would like to in order to spend time with
him? Do I help our son to act like he is king? If I am not doing these
things, I am in sin. I need to repent and change.

Please pray for me ladies, that God will BE my strength. That He
will be that gentle and quiet spirit. He calls us to live simple and
quiet lives. Please pray that no matter what others do, that I will do
what He has called me to.

Thanks for listening.