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Re: Good reminder

Posted by: bannerelknc <bannerelknc@...>

Marci.... that is so touching.  

--- On Tue, 3/9/10, Mike & Marci <; wrote:

From: Mike & Marci <;
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Good reminder
To: "A Homestead Heaven" <;
Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 10:39 AM

I would encourage you all to think of people in your life who mean something to you, especially those you have not been in contact with for awhile.  There was an older woman in my life probably about 14 years ago.  She was my Mom's age and oh, we could laugh together.  She was one of the people who started making me realize that I was not serving my husband and when I did, it was not with joy.  We were at their house for a get together with several couples.  She was busy being a Martha and making sure all was in order.  Her husband who was just sitting on the couch talking said, "Jean get me a cup of coffee!" She dropped everything and went to get it.  I jokingly (at least outwardly) asked him what was wrong with his legs.  He looked at me like I had two heads.  Later, she talked to me about it.  She said it was her joy and privilege to do that for her
husband.   She encouraged me to start looking for ways to serve my husband and do it joyfully.  Anyway, I looked her number up and called her.  She had hearing aids back when I knew her and was around her, and I had a hard time making her understand my name.  We talked and I mentioned a bunch of stuff we did together.  I could tell she was not connecting.  After we talked about 15 mins. she asked me to spell out my name, which I did.  Then she got all excited and told me that now she knew who I was.  She asked about Michael by name and told me what good friends we were.  Then we talked about stuff and she was able to connect.  She kept thanking me over and over for thinking of her and calling.  She took my address and phone number and said I shouldn't be surprised if she calls.  Then she told me that she loved me.  I could tell the call really made her day. Her husband passed away in 2005
and she lives alone.  It blessed me to have helped to make her day.  Take the time to tell someone that they are special to you!!!


Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot



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