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Re: Happy 2015

Posted by: bossypantsblueeyes <bossypantsblueeyes@...>

Happy New Year everyone! 
I don't know where December went, but it flew by fast for me!
At 4:30 this morning, dh and I delivered our four teens to their youth group. The group is traveling to Murietta, California today for a retreat at the Calvary Chapel campus. They will be home the evening of January 5, so dh and I will have an empty nest until then. Dh isn't on call today or this weekend, but because of ice storms and low temps the last few days, he is gone helping with an outage. 
In December, I spent about two weeks sick with what I believe was a combination viral/bacterial infection. Others in my family were sick as well...some for just a couple of days, others for longer. Finally, we all are healthy again, praise God! Now that my energy has mostly returned, I have spent the last several days straightening messy drawers and cabinets and dejunking more things we don't need. I have ziploc bags of kids' markers, dry erase markers, colored pencils, pens, etc. that will be going to Goodwill along with stencils, miscellaneous kitchen utensils, books, VHS movies, jewelry, etc. Yesterday, my youngest son brought me a stack of clothes that don't fit or that he doesn't want. We'll have three garbage bags of clothes to donate to our textile recycling project where we're trying to gather another 20,000 pounds of clothes to earn a rebate for Feed My Starving Children. 
On December 20, my second daughter and fourth child, Ashlyn, turned 18! Four adult children seems to have happened overnight 🙂 Three weeks from today, Jacob turns 16. He has his permit now and is accumulating hours of driving time toward the 50 hours required for a provisional license. Around November, our youngest son Caleb will enroll in Driver's Ed...the last of our children to get licensed to drive. 
Dh has healed from his surgeries but still has some numbness and tenderness in his right arm. He's fully returned to his lineman's duties and has been busy around here as well. While the kids are gone to California, he and I will be tiling the floor in our master bathroom and working to organize our shop if our temps get warm enough. The last few days, we've been experiencing single digit temps with below zero windchill temps. We received about six inches of snow Christmas night, and it has not all melted. This week's storms have left everything....fences, trees, etc.,....coated with ice. Our electricity was out yesterday for about four hours and our water has been frozen more than once. If the electricity stays offs, the heater in our pump house can't run so our lines and/or pressure tank end up freezing. We are more than thankful for our woodstove especially when the electricity is out!
Ahead for us in the coming months is an increase in homeschooling for Jacob and Caleb so they can graduate as soon as they are ready. The girls will continue working at the shop and working several weekly babysitting jobs. Our TerraCycle project is changing and may even be coming to an end. I am pondering and praying about what the Lord has for me besides homeschooling the boys. An occupational therapist I know has suggested I visit a nearby home health/hospice company to see if I can provide organizing and dejunking help to their patients. Starting in February, I will be visiting my cousin periodically to help her finish getting clutter out of her house. I don't think we have many areas left, but there are a few including a storage shed, a garage, a large hall closet crammed full, and two bathrooms.
My mom turned 70 this past Saturday. She is in Colorado at my brother's until Sunday. She is doing well and has gone on a few dates with a widower in her town. He lives on a ranch so they know many of the same people and have quite a bit in common. She's not sure if she wants anything beyond a friendship, so is going slowly. March will mark the five year anniversary of my step-dad's death, and she has adapted to living alone. Having her cousin's widow living in her park is working out well as they do lots of fun things together. Thankfully, my mom's health is great right now.
This Saturday, I will turn 50! I have been feeling somewhat restless the last few weeks....frustrated sometimes too. I'm trying to figure out the root of these feelings as well as how the Lord is leading. I know it's normal to re-evaluate one's life and the direction one is heading especially around birthdays or in mid-life. I think I'm anxious to make some changes and get moving towards something, not just wallowing and stagnating 🙂 I still think we need to be preparing to sell our house, so that's one area where I can devote some energy. I will probably continue to do volunteer work but haven't ruled out seeking a part-time job. Since I don't really want to be controlled by an employer's schedule, I will likely expand my organizing business so I can decide when and where I work 🙂
I would love to read updates from all of you! God bless you in 2015!
Lisa NM

On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 3:42 AM, <> wrote:

Wishing all you and your families well in the coming weeks.  How is

everyone?  Heather


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