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Re: Happy September!

Posted by: marciblu <marciblu@...>

Lots going on there as usual.  I can't believe you still have books to sell.  🙂  I would love to see a picture of your swamp cooler. 
Karen is tired and she thinks it is from her BP meds.  She will fuss because I am updating, but since she doesn't I will.  😀 
Pray for Serena.  She is in the thick of it right now. 
Michael is off for a few days, so we are trying to get some stuff done.  🙂  We cut up chickens today.  We have bags of boneless skinless breasts, chicken tenders and leg quarters.  The rest will be cooked.  I will freeze the broth and can the chicken.  I am going to a chiropractor for the first time in my life tomorrow.  I am a bit nervous.  I don't want anyone jerking my neck around.  🙂  I hope he is a clicker guy.   
We had Amish come through and look at our house.  They said they will be making an offer.  We have not heard back from them yet.  I have no idea where we would go. 
We came home from town yesterday and just as we were getting by the door, we watched a snake go right in under the door to the store.  I am pretty sure he was just a garter snake and I thought he was about 2' long, but Michael said 20".  We went in and could not find him.  We have still not found him.  I can deal with him no problem, but I don't want to be surprised by him. 
Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: <a href="">mountainmama
To: <a href="">
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 9:19 PM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Happy September!
September, 2013 seems to have arrived just a couple of weeks after Christmas, 2012 🙂 I know I'll blink a couple of times and Christmas will be here again. I wish time would go a LITTLE slower.
Dh and the children drained, disassembled, and put away the pool yesterday. We were having a very warm day after many cooler days, so he left the swamp cooler in the window for a little while longer. He has been on call since Friday at 5:30. It's mostly been quiet, but he just left for today's second outage. The rest of this week, he gets off work at 3:30 so his work days will be shorter.
While looking at my bookshelf last week, I found a series of 8 books that we no longer needed. I posted them Saturday, and they sold within a short time. I threw in another book for free and sold an additional book to another lady. It's nice having ten books leaving tomorrow for new homes 🙂 I keep adding books to the box we are giving to a family we know, and will soon have to start another box or get a bigger one for them. I have set aside a pile of educational DVDs and videos for the kids to watch. Those will be sold or donated once the kids have seen them. Little by little, less to tend, less to move if we ever leave this house. On Saturday, I spent time cleaning out medicine cabinets and vanities in the master bathroom. I eliminated a few things and also consolidated some lotions and salves.
Our girls have enjoyed spending the past three days at home. They will return to GED prep classes tomorrow. Their plan is to take the Social Studies exam on Wednesday and the Science exam on Friday. They will continue working on math practice and writing skills all week as well. Jacob and Caleb probably aren't looking forward to resuming homeschooling tomorrow, but we're resuming regardless 🙂 They gave their room a good cleaning Friday, but we will need to straighten their closet one day this week. It's amazing how many clothes and shoes they outgrow seemingly overnight!
Dh and I are planning a date for tomorrow evening. I need to pick up a few things, and we're both ready for a little time away from the house after being on call four days. He's scheduled to go on call again this coming Friday evening through Monday morning, so we better have a date while we can.
The sky is really rumbling and dark to the west of us, but I don't know if we'll get any rain. August was much wetter than normal, so I don't know what to expect for September. I'm very grateful to still be looking at green pastures!
I hope you and yours have a blessed week!
Lisa NM

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