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Re: Happy September! **Michele**

Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

Kathie's words apply to me too! I loved hearing updates on the girls, and think you have done such a wonderful job with them! 
I can't believe Emma is 21 and a college senior already. Seems like she was just graduating high school last week 🙂
I'm so thankful your doctor is determined to keep looking for answers for Hannah. My mom and brother both had serious fatigue when they were on the wrong b/p medicine or wrong dose.
Like Eliza, my girls are glad that homeschooling is over for them. They plan to keep reading some of the educational books and watching educational DVDs I have for them, but their time of daily sitting at the kitchen table and doing school are over. After being exposed to a more traditional classroom and public school students the last three weeks, they both thanked me this weekend for never sending them to public school. That encouraged me!
Laura's "school" sounds like a good option for her. I would have liked to have had something similar in our little town. Since my two youngest are just 14 months apart, I have always homeschooled them at the same level and will continue to do so until they are done. I am expecting them to take the GED together too as the girls are doing. I know it can be hard when a student is homeschooling alone....especially if Mom can't be home. I know you never wanted to be away from them at work, but God is bringing beautiful things out of all that has happened. It's been such an awesome thing watching Him leading you and providing for your family 🙂 Lisa NM
I enjoyed your nice long update Michele.  Hearing about the girls made me feel good.  You are such a good momma.  I admire what you have done for your family.

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