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Re: Heather/stoves

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Heather your Fisher stove is a wonderful stove. If it's just an oven you
are looking for have you considered the ovens that sit on top of your
regular woodstove? I have one and used it on gas camp stove when I didn't
have an oven. Topeka Seed and Stove sells them for about $100. I can get
four loaves of bread into mine. Lehman's sells them too but I believe they
are considerably more expensive.

Another idea is to line the inside box of your Fisher with stove brick.
This will reduce the size of your firebox and therefore allow the stove to
heat quicker. The extra brick will also retain the heat and give you a more
constant consistent heat to cook on.

I'm assuming you plan to put in another chimney or stove pipe for a kitchen
stove. Unless you buy an Amish type cookstove most of the antique type wood
cookstove (gas or otherwise) will not produce enough heat to more than just
the kitchen.

However, the Amish stoves will heat your whole house.

Don't laugh but I've seen some decent deals on Ebay from time to time for
woodcookstoves. Wish you were nearby I have found many woodcookstoves very
reasonably here. I currently know where there's a fixer upper Monarch for
$15. It needs alot of work but it is fixable. For anyone near MN that may
be looking I run across stoves all the time and if you are looking let me

I purchased a huge...I mean big by most peoples woodcookstove standards,
black and chrome woodcookstove. It's 53 inches wide, six burners, warming
oven and a water reservoir in excellent condition for $300. It even has a
water coil so we can hook it up to our hot water pipes if we wish.

Heather don't give up. Just pray and ask for wisdom when you see the stove.
When we lived in TN I once went to see a woodcookstove I was sure I was
going to buy. The folks had hung a snap shot of the stove up on their add
in the grocery store and I was so thrilled to find it. However, when I got
there it was obvious the picture had been taken several years ago. My first
thought was "why did they put up a deceptive picture"? They are assured me
this stove was in great working order, ect. Hubby and I had thought to
bring a flashlight....OH YEAH.....I forgot to tell you to take a
flashlight....something small so that you can closely examine inside the
firebox, the stove lining, etc. with a flashlight. The reason I say small
is that you might have to maneuver inside of small spots.

Upon closer inspection (with a flashlight...they were aghast I'd brought a
flashlight) we discovered the stove had some problems but we felt they were
fixable. We were novice stove lookers at this point in our lives. I prayed
and just didn't get an answer one way or another. I decided I wasn't going
to spend $600 on something I didn't have an answer on. I went home and
prayed some more and for some reason felt that this was not the right stove
for us. Something happened and we had to use the money elsewhere and I
figured this was my answer. Someone else bought the stove. I met that
person about a year later. It turns out the stove leaked smoke badly at
some joints and the top was warped. They had to use the stove as an outdoor
stove only. Yes, the stove was usable but it turned out not to be the right
stove for us. I will pray you have wisdom...Deanna