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Re: Hello from Oklahoma

Posted by: townfarmer <townfarmer@...>

Nancy, it was so good to hear from you.  Sorry you are using a walker now, but glad you able to get around.  Exciting news with your husband retiring.  Mine just turned 67 but can’t retire yet because he carries our health insurance.  He really doesn’t want to yet, anyway.
We are both enjoying my being able to ride with him several days a week.  I have to work this weekend, so won’t be able to go to Illinois, Iowa and Missouri with him.  Will miss that.
Wonderful news that you’re getting another grandchild this fall.  Can’t wait to hear about it.
A huge praise from us is that we are officially debt-free as of this week!!!
Take care, everyone.  Was wondering if I was ever going to be able to post again.  The Windows Chrome update really messed with my laptop!!!
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 1:54 PM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Hello from Oklahoma
Hi Ladies,

We are actually enjoying a break from the summer heat! Highs in the 80s and a=
chance of rain.

Our first grandson turns 2 in October and will be a big brother in November.=
Oldest son is still doing doing title work in the oil industry, but so far s=
taying in Oklahoma. Youngest son earned his associates degree in history, an=
d now going for his bachelor's.

Dh is on his third day of vacation. When he finishes vacation, he goes back t=
o work for one day, and then will be officially retired. I can't wrap my hea=
d around his not having to go back to work, no alarm clocks, not having to r=
ush through projects to get them done before vacation is over, or his being h=
ome all the time! Not to mention the luxury of afternoon naps!

My fibromyalgia is taking a toll on me now, but I am hoping it gets better s=
oon. Using a walker slows me down, but at least helps me do things.=20

I am ready for fall!

Nancy in OK

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