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Re: Here we go...

Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

New Mexico is in for snow this week too and low temps, but not close to zero....thank goodness. Our total accumulation won't be as much as yours, but any amount puts moisture in the ground. Yippee!!
We enjoyed time in the hot tub and pool last night. Both are located in a large, glass atrium. The lighting was very dim, and col temps outside caused mists to rise above the water so it looked like the streets of London. We had the entire atrium to ourselves which was nice.
Our pizza dinner was delicious. There were some problems with the proofer and some uncertainty about whether or not we would get the pan pizzas we ordered. Dh and I were agreeable to whatever needed to be done. The manager was so appreciative for our patience and nice attitude, she removed the charges for one pizza after already honoring our coupons. She wasn't pleased with one pizza so gave it to us for free, so we ended up with five large pizzas for $26. We were blessed by her generosity 🙂
If you don't think the world notices polite and patient behavior, they do. This is our second experience in less than a month of an order going awry with significant discounts being applied to what we owe because we weren't rude or impatient. How sad that so many people become irate over such trivial matters that managers want to reward those who are pleasant.
Hope you all have a great day!
Lisa NM


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