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Re: home again

Posted by: mctbeardorton <mctbeardorton@...>

glad you had a good time and a safe trip home. hope your mom is still doing ok.  carolyn
-----Original Message-----

From: mountainmama <;

To: homesteadheaven <;

Sent: Fri, Feb 7, 2014 12:34 am

Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] home again

We arrived home about 8:30 last night. Drove
nearly the whole five hours in snow and on snow covered roads. It was 8 degrees
most of the way home. After getting home, the girls were supposed to go to a
friend's house for the night as they are staying with her while her parents are
out of town. Because of the weather, dh and I drove them to her house rather
than let them take the car. Several minutes from our house, the snow was
falling much heavier. One stretch of road covers a steep, curvy mountain and is
often the site of wrecks and cars sliding off the road. I was so thankful dh was
driving and not the girls.


Our mini vacation was fun and enjoyable in spite
of really cold temps and lots of snow. Dh and the kids were all tired after
snowboarding four days in a row. Today, we unpacked and put everything away,
then spent most of the day laying around and resting. Dh has to be at work early
tomorrow morning and will go on call tomorrow evening at 5:30 til midnight on
Sunday. In the morning, I hope to get back to work around here. Our
forecast shows much warmer temps around the corner, so maybe I can get our shop
straightened again.


Bye for now!

Lisa NM

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