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Re: Homestead Heritage information

Posted by: saninocencio <saninocencio@...>

I wis I were a little closer. This sounds like it would be a wonderful
experience. Tennessee to Texas would be a long drive.
Life is the ultimate learning experience!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lockwood" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 10:19 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Homestead Heritage information

> this is from a local texas newspaper about the community ....
> November 19, 1999: Brazos de Dios, an agrarian Christian community north
> Waco, maintains a simple way of life not so much as a rejection of modern
> conveniences but more for the character-building aspects of good
> old-fashioned hard work. On Thanksgiving weekend the fellowship throws
> the gates for a three-day harvest celebration filled with hand-cranked ice
> cream, fine crafted goods, family music, and tours of the farm.
> Nestled in the thick forest of the fertile river valley, the community's
> small Homestead Heritage Crafts Village of shops and workshops welcomes
> visitors year-round. The visitors center is also the Homestead Farms Deli.
> The generously portioned chicken and turkey sandwiches are made to order
> fresh homemade breads. They also offer top choice smoked brisket
> A person could make a pretty good meal of side orders of potato salads,
> slaw, and barbecued beans.
> Enjoy the food in the dining room lined with shelves filled with jars of
> jelly, packages of herbs, and breads -- all made at the farm. There are
> picnic tables under the shade of the big oak trees around the visitors
> center. Don't forget to leave room for some homemade ice cream.
> After a big sandwich, a little walking and shopping can be just the thing.
> The restored 200-year-old barn showcases the work of the community's
> craftsmen. From dresses to soaps, kitchenware to handcrafted furniture,
> is the main retail outlet of the group's production.
> A stroll around the grounds of the Homestead Heritage Crafts Village leads
> to the workshops. Workers in the Potter's House are eager to show visitors
> the skill of making wheel-thrown stoneware pottery. Next door in the
> furniture shop, workmen use traditional tools to build early Texas replica
> pieces out of longleaf pine, cherry, and mahogany woods.
> Across the wood bridge and on the side of a small hill behind the visitors
> center, the clang of the blacksmith's hammer rings throughout the village.
> The shop makes decorative items for the retail sales as well as large
> contract jobs for local construction projects. Above the blacksmith shop
> the village's herb garden, filled with fragrant and colorful plants.
> Brazos de Dios (Spanish for "Arms of God" and the original name of the
> nearby Brazos River) was founded in 1990 by the Heritage Ministries. The
> Central Texas community is home to nearly 200 of the more than 700-member
> Christian fellowship. It has been a long journey for the congregation,
> began in a storefront church in New York City's Hell's Kitchen in 1973.
> >From New York, the group relocated to New Jersey to begin a small-scale
> farming operation. A splinter group moved to Colorado, but the drop in the
> economy wrecked their hopes of launching a self-sustaining agrarian
> community.
> Many of the members reunited in Austin, where they began making cabinets.
> Their distinctive product utilized longleaf yellow pine salvaged from
> buildings constructed prior to 1920, before it was depleted in the forests
> of the southern United States.
> On 350 acres between Elm Mott and Gholson, the church group started the
> Christian agrarian community which they had tried in other locations.
> 20 members farm the land full time, and everyone helps with the
> labor-intensive plantings and harvests. Other members work in the craft
> industries at the village or hold jobs in Waco and surrounding towns.
> Unlike the apocalyptic Branch Davidians, the Brazos de Dios community is
> avowedly nonviolent and welcomes visitors. Members offer hayride tours of
> the farm on Saturdays. The society provides a resource for others who want
> to return to self-sufficient farming, gardening, home schooling, and the
> crafts and skills of bygone days.
> The members of Brazos de Dios do not entirely shun modern living. While
> do not own televisions, use motorized farming equipment, or read daily
> newspapers, most of the members own cars or trucks and have
> homes. Their lives are a blend of 19th-century rural life with selective
> utilization of modern conveniences.
> While the community's methods may be more labor-intensive than their
> counterparts, the means lead to high-quality products and give the members
> strong sense of character and camaraderie.
> Homestead Heritage Visitors Center is north of Waco; exit I-35 at Elm
> take FM 308 west to FM 933, and go north about 1.5 miles to Halbert Lane.
> The village shops are open 10am-6pm Monday-Saturday. There is no admission
> fee, and they ask that pets be left at home. For more information, call
> 254/829-0417.
> The Heritage Craft & Children's Fair takes place at the village Nov. 26
> 27, 10am-9pm and Nov. 28, noon-6pm; admission is free. The focus is on
> activities for the children as well as displays and demonstrations on
> farming, alternative energy, cooking, gardening, and other skills. There
> will be lots of food and crafts for sale as well as music.
> Homestead Heritage furniture and other crafts are also sold at the Early
> Texas store, 329 Main in Fredericksburg, across the street from the Nimitz
> Museum. The store is open Monday-Saturday, 10am-5pm. Call 830/997-1812,
> more information
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