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Re: Humnus

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

I've recently become a hummus addict. It happened when hubby came home from
his last trip to Israel and asked me to please make it for him. They eat it
daily in Israel and at all times of the day...even breakfast. Most often
it's eaten as the evening meal with pita bread and a type of
cucumber/tomatoe salad. The recipes I'm finding are pretty much the same
which is fine but I'm seeing "gourmet" type hummus in restaurants and the
expensive grocery stores. Things like roasted pepper hummus. We had this
at a restaurant recently and it was wonderful. I can't seem to find recipes
for hummus other than the traditional recipe. Does anyone have any favorite
non-traditional recipes? I have low blood sugar and I suspect my teenage
son also deals with this some. I have found that a mid-morning snack of
hummus keeps me from feeling those blood sugar lows and I have more energy.
I've also been told it's very high in calcium....Deanna