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Re: Hungry kittens - continued care

Posted by: kmat <kmat@...>

Hi Deanna,

Thanks, if Patches doesn't return before we leave for swimming lessons I
will come and get some goats milk.

It wasn't in the barn where we found them, it was in the old log house, in a
room in there, but we didn't leave the
poor little ones out, we kept them in last night, and I fed them at 10:30
before going to bed and they slept through
the night (at least we didn't hear if they woke).

They all ate again this a.m. and two of the three relieved themselves, and
the other one at least pee'd (sp?).
We are going to get a little kitty nipple for them today as it is a bit hard
with a baby bottle and syrnge, but at
least it has kept them content.

Another question I have for anyone is: How long will we need to continue to
wipe their bottoms to help them?
A week, a month? Until we see them licking themselves?

Thanks again everyone for your responses, they were helpful, especially the
recipe as I didn't know quite
what to feed them.
We are still hopeful and prayerful that the mommy might still return, but
want to know how to continue caring
for these little ones.

Pam in MN

----- Original Message -----
From: David & Deanna Haley <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [HomeSteadHeaven] Hungry kittens

> Pam I'll be home and I guess I didn't realize you were the one with the
> Hungry kitten problem. I've been so out of it the past few days. You can
> have as much milk as you need. Pam, I know it would make sense to put the
> kittens back in your barn for momma to return but I know your barn. It's
> not safe for the kittens. You have too many racoons, weasels, male cats,
> etc. Even your chickens will eat them because they are so small. I'll be
> home all day...just come and get your milk...Deanna