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Re: Internet Privacy Screens

Posted by: heritage <heritage@...>


My heart goes out to you because this same thing happened to us recently. We
had been under the (wrong) impression that no pictures would come up unless
you clicked an attachment...WRONG!!! I cried for poor husband had
seen the post. I felt/feel so violated and angry. We haven't had a
television for over 9 years, taking the verses "I will put no evil thing
before mine eye" and "abstain from all appearance of evil" very
seriously...How I praise our Father that we have never given our children
free access to any part of the computer other than their Russian lessons.
Rick did some tracking and was very willing to turn these people in but they
hide their addys so they are hard to track...but we have taken some measures
to prevent this in the future. Please dear ones, I beg of you to prayfully
consider never allowing your children free access to either the email or the
internet, never, ever. I will ask Rick to post a message to the group
tomorrow (he's at work now) to explain some of the ways you can prevent this
awful wickedness from entering your home, but please, do not think there is
a 100% measure of safety. And pray for all those dear souls who may also be
receiving these posts, innocently at first, but falling into satan's
trap...oh I am crying again...this is just so absolutely devilish!!!

Blessings in Him~
Gladheart Acres