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Re: Just a quick check in!!

Posted by: stampinbookworm <stampinbookworm@...>

Checking in...I didn't have a garden this year due to the move in May and
then the month long visit in Oregon with my folks for June...then VBS in
July and other things. Plus with an apartment, you can't really have a
garden. However, this weekend...I plan to go to the farmers market before
they close down and see what I can pick up for canning next week. Will have
to lay in a bunch of canning supplies too...ugh!

Vaughnde Edwards
Missoula, Montana
Praise the Lord, He is Risen Indeed!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Amazing Graze Farms <>
To: A Homesteader's Heaven <>
Date: Thursday, August 30, 2001 9:54 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Just a quick check in!!

Ok, I know this is a BUSY time of year for most of you. I have tomatoes,
beans, cucumbers, blackberries, apple juice, peach juice and who knows what
else waiting to be canned.

Just take a quick moment (even if it is a sentence) and let us know that you
are alive and well and maybe a bit of what is going on at your house.

My garden did not do to hot this year. I had to buy in some of my things
for winter. I am trying to get them all put up before they go bad. I have
a lot of tomatoes right now. I am eating them too. I LOVE fresh from the
garden tomatoes. Up here, I only get them for a few short months. I am
truly enjoying the bounty.

Ok, you lurkers... CHECK IN!!!! 🙂

Wanting to please my Lord and Savior,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farms

Keep striving to be the best Keeper At Home you can be!!