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Re: lilac question

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

I have a hundred year old lilac hedge. It's lovely but it's out of control.
When we bought this place it was overrun with lilacs. We've gradually dug
up over a hundred plants and given them away but I have a whole new crop
this year and I didn't even cut back as much as I wanted to last year (got
tired of digging). If anyone wants purple or white lilacs please come and
get them. I would even be willing to mail them...packed right I think they
would make it. Is there something I can do to all these sucker new plants
that will kill them or do I have to dig them all up? Organic gardeners
don't read the next part please (smile). I'm considering Round Up for the
cockleburrs and these lilacs. I know of a couple of people that are organic
with everything on their farms...animal feeding...their gardens, etc. The
one thing they resort to is Round-up for the cockleburrs. I had to throw
out all my fleeces but 3 because they were so full of cockleburrs. (Burdock)
Others tell me they make sure the animals can't get to the area and then
spray the round up. Wait three weeks and it's safe for the animals to go
back in. Actually I won't be putting any animals in those areas. It's the
area I want to put my clothesline up and plant some grass for a do like to do things naturally but for once I'm considering
bringing out the big guns. Hubby keeps telling me we should buy one of
those hand torches and torch the suckers as they come up....I think he's a
closet pyro ...Deanna