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Re: Lisa's Girls

Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

Time and again, the Lord has done those little things that matter just to me or to my loved ones. He's answered huge needs of course too, but when it's those little "unimportant" things, it really reminds me that He knows every detail of my life and CARES about every one of those details. The girls know the Lord is with them, that He holds them in His hands. I know it too, but it doesn't stop butterflies from invading my stomach 🙂 I am SO ready to return to a slower-paced life, one in which I am not hounding my girls to practice math or where they are leaving early every morning to go to GED class. It will come....either because they pass or because they have to re-do the tests next year....and I will be so glad to not be thinking about these tests 24/7. Being involved with this process, with the GED teachers and requirements makes me really appreciate the freedom we have in homeschooling.
Remember a few months ago when I interviewed for the job at dh's company? God knew what was coming my way with Jan, with the GED, with dh working tons of overtime. I trusted Him when I didn't get it and have seen the reasons why I didn't get it. How on earth could I have squeezed in a JOB right now? It's so obvious the timing wasn't right, and I praise Him for keeping me from something I didn't need to do!! Lisa NM


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