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Re: Marci/moving

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

We moved in on December 31, 1999!!

Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
Amazing Graze Farms

He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom & Heather McFarland" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 6:06 AM
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Marci/moving

> I have been threatening to put my
> pantry in order since I moved in over a year ago.>>
> Marci,
> I was under the impression that you were at that homestead much longer
> that! You have settled in and it seems like established quite well. We
> have been at our place a little more than 5 years and are still at a slow
> pace for simplicity/self seficiency. I must say that you have been
> abundantly in the last 365 days or so!!!!!
> Heather Mc