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Re: Marci's goat - The latest

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Well at least you know. It must be a load off of your mind. This is not to
early for a doe to breed. You have to decide when you want kids. I'd leave
the udder alone too. Some does actually develope and udder and milk when
they come into season if they have heavy milk genetics. I have had two
precocious (sp?) milkers. They developed udders with milk prior to ever
being bred. I've even read info on milking bucks. It's all hormones. Your
doe is older and so you have a greater chance that things may not work they
way they have in the past. Sad comment on all of us "older ladies" (smile).
If you had to use drugs to get her to breed last time. You may have to do
so again. I think I'd try the herbs suggested to you on the list. See if
you can get her to kick into a solid heat on her own without the drugs....if
all fails...go for the drugs....just my two cents...Deanna