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Re: Member Directory Info

Posted by: MiMtn1 <MiMtn1@...>

<< Name: Beth Hoover
Age: 44
Location: NC
Approximately when you joined the list: not too long ago
Married? Yes How long? Yes.....forever.....over 20 years
Number of children, sex and age of each: 7....5 at home from 25 to 5
Do you homeschool: Yes
Occupation if outside the home: Work at home......we have a campground
Do you live on a homestead or do you hope to some day? we homestead as much
as possible but hope to do more someday
What sorts of animals do you have, raise, if any? We have birds, dogs,
rabbits,spiders, and snakes. IN the process of getting chickens
Hobbies: soap making and such, sewing, reading
Favorite Publication(s), magazines etc.:a bunch
What do you enjoy about our little "home away from home"? Learning new
