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Re: Member Info

Posted by: mcthornberg <mcthornberg@...>

>Name: Cindy
>Age: 38
>Location: Central Minnesota
>Approximately when you joined the list: a couple weeks ago
>Married? Yes
How long? 18 years>
Number of children,5
sex and age of each:
Son 18, son 15, daughter 14, son 11, son 19 months>
Do you homeschool: used to
>Occupation if outside the home: none
>Do you live on a homestead or do you hope to some day? Yes, we have for
>about 10 years
>What sorts of animals do you have, raise, if any?
> horses, chickens, pigs ,meat cow, geese
>Hobbies: love to read, garden, watch the critters 🙂
>Favorite Publication(s), magazines etc.: Herbal magazines
>What do you enjoy about our little "home away from home"?
> I like getting to know people who live like I do 🙂

Cindy Thornberg
Painted Meadows Ranch
Melvin and Cindy Thornberg
A.P.H.A. Tobiano Stallions
Strike The Flame
P.M. Painted Lightning

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