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Re: modesty - shirley

Posted by: UNEEDJC7 <UNEEDJC7@...>

In a message dated 8/21/01 10:33:27 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< I tell my kids that if
they were to be made up like some of their older friends, they run the risk
of God not recognizing them. >>

Shirley - I can understand trying to relay to children and young adults that
we don't need to be "made up" and looking like everyone else, however,
telling them that God may not recognize them is like telling them that God
looks at their outward appearance first, and that is not biblical. If He did
that none of us would have been recognized. He looks on the heart. An
alternate way of explaining it might be this:

We are all like glasses of water, our hearts inside being what we have in the
glass. If we have nothing in the glass or yukky water in the glass then we
have to paint and decorate the outside of the glass so noone notices that we
are really empty or ugly inside. However, when we have Jesus in the glass,
He is like pure, clear water. In order for the thirsty world to see the
water inside and Jesus who can quench that thirst in their hearts, we need to
minimize or just plain forget all the "decorations" on the outside. :o)
Hope this helps.

Sandy Covelli
Miracle Acres Farm
Caledonia WI
"Providing New Beginnings and Happy Endings"
Jesus is the Answer - What was your Question?