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Re: Nancy in OK - prayer

Posted by: Naanra <Naanra@...>

Actually, the problem isn't his driving. He's a very careful driver, and
careful about his car. The problem is that he has had his first taste of
freedom, and seems to believe he doesn't need a curfew, or any other
restrictions we think are necessary. He wasn't at all happy when we refused
to let him drive 50 miles (one way) to a football game with a car load of
teens. We knew they would be getting back late, and have heard too many
times that a major cause of teen driving accidents is being distracted.
Considering that most of his friends have been involved in 1-4 accidents in
their first year of driving, we didn't think that was wise.He accepted our
decision, and is overall a very good young man, but every bit as strong
willed as his little brother, so I expect further "testing of the limits" in
the future. Trying to handle elderly parents, our own middle age, the
teenage years, and an elementary age son is not what it's cracked up to be!

Nancy in OK