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Re: New problem with Pebbles the baby goat

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


I'm sorry to say that it sounds like an abscess forming. Abscesses can be
contagious and really bad but they can also be pretty benign. I've never
had one but know of people that have. Only the vet will be able to tell you
if it's the bad kind. He'll probably either lance it OR draw some of the
fluid out of it. I did have a friend (or maybe it was someone on this list)
that had a thorn that became imbedded in a jaw and it created what looked
like an abscess.

Sometimes goats and sheep get a soft sort of growth under their chin.
It's due to a heavy parasite load. I've noticed it most with sheep. We had
two sheep with it when we first started homesteading about 7 years ago.
Worming really well took care of it but the growth never hurt them to touch
it. I don't think this is a good thing on your goat and you will need to
have the vet look at this one. Keep us posted...Deanna