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Re: On the subject of Honor

Posted by: natural_essentials <natural_essentials@...>

I struggle with this.

I realize the commandments state honor thy father and mother. But what
do you tell the child, young adult, or adult who has been dishonored by
their own parents (or family members, whatever) by being sexually abused?
You wonder "is honor due" as stated below, yet it is a commandment.
What about the child who suffers because the parent is an alcoholic?
What if the parent is a an atheist - or agnostic or cultist?
What about the parent that simply is a BAD parent for whatever reason?
Obviously you tell the person to pray for the parent, but what do you
tell them about honoring the parent, when honor certainly doesn't seem


When Paul calls
> the commandment to
> honor our parents "the first commandment with promise" he clearly
> reveals the foundational
> importance of honor. If we begin by truly honoring those to whom
> honor is due, then all the
> other elements of Christian character will come forth in our lives.

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