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Re: PICTURE: Memorial Day 2014

Posted by: bossypantsblueeyes <bossypantsblueeyes@...>

That's a good picture of you and Missy! Congratulations on getting your garden planted. We want to plant a few things but with Friday's hail storm, the boys spent yesterday raking piles of leaves and fir needles that fell during the storm. It hasn't been very warm the past 2-3 days, so working outside wasn't very appealing.

I spent yesterday cleaning out and taking to the recycling bin fourteen years' worth of homeschooling papers and completed workbooks. I found a few special things to keep, but the bulk of it had to go. Seeing the empty Rubbermaid boxes when I was done felt good, but also somewhat sad.

Today, I will be homeschooling boys this morning, then will be at a friend's house at 2:15 to help her reclaim her kitchen which has been the storage area for a bunch of stuff from a business she bought. She texted Friday that she was having a panic attack at the thought of me seeing her mess. She is really feeling like a failure because she used to be very organized. The owner of the business she bought was her friend as well as her boss. He died after battling cancer. So, she is dealing with grief over his death plus a big change in her life from employee to owner. Thankfully, she's a believer, so we'll be asking the Lord to help us as we go through the piles.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Lisa NM
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 11:04 PM, Kathie <> wrote:

Hi Everyone


I hope you all have had a good weekend with family and friends, as well as
remembering the sacrifices of those who have served.


Eldon snapped this picture of me and Missy in the pea patch this
morning.  We finished planting our garden today.  We have a large area
planted including about 100 tomato plants—heirlooms and hybrids—all in cages and
on drip.


I would love to hear from any of you that have a minute!







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