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Re: please explain desires of the heart

Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

The Word says much about our desires. I've found that as I've matured in my
faith that my desires have become more in line with His desires for me.
Quite often, He gives me desires that I would have never chosen for myself
(such as SAHM, homeschooling) and when I obey Him, they become wonderful

Often I have desires that are not of the Lord or are not for now. Moving,
living in the country is one of those desires. I grew up in the country on
a little farm. I've lived in town for over 20 years now, ever since we
married. I "desire" a little farm somewhere with a milk cow and a big garden
and a couple of horses. We even got really close to making an offer on one
last spring. But........I must be sure that what I desire and what the Lord
and my husband desire are all the same. And, so far, they have not been. I
still live in my little house in town, secure and close to everything. Fish
for pets. It just never works out. I used to be a "baby" about having to
live in town. Now, I'm at peace with it. When the time is right, I will
have my "place". Until then, this is my place and its really nice. I have
all that I need, soccer practice is 10 minutes away as is WalMart, the
courthouse, the grocery store, burger king, the mexican restaurant. The
park is within yelling distance almost, as is the swimming pool, the
playground, another grocery store, the dollar store and the now-closed Dairy
Queen! My children have dear friends within walking distance in any
direction. Mike can come home for lunch and eat and take a nap before he
has to return to work. I've found my blessings here and will continue to
dream and wait.

> I am confused about desires of the heart. I have felt
> almost a desperate need to get out of the metropolitan area that my family
> in. (the events of sept. 11, have made this worse) The air pollution,
> pollution and crime are bad. I have no ties to this place, (no family),
> but DH does, and doesn't want to leave at this time. We are very lucky to
> have a small acreage and livestock, and have close to the lifestyle we
> where we are. I feel so guilty and ungrateful for wanting to get out of
> here!

God can fill your emptiness with peace. I don't know that I would say that
your desires are misdirected, but that maybe they have become idols in your
heart. I know that mine did. When I give them to God and let Him worry
about the timing, I can be at peace where I am. And what a wonderful peace
it is!!!!!! I will NOT go back to living without His Peace, regardless,
ever, no matter what!

> I was told that the emptyness and longing that I feel is
> actually the desire that God put there to know him better and it is
> misdirected. (I am a new, 2 yrs Christian)

So Kathy, just continue on your walk with Him, love him, trust him and get
to know him intimately. and He will replace the bad feeling with peace and
if the desires in your heart are from Him, he will leave you with the
desires and the Peace.

Blessings to you!