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Re: Prayer request/Israel

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Marci, He should be coming home this week....Wednesday unless he's delayed.
He'll be home for 2-3 weeks and then is going back over there for another
2-3 weeks. There is the possibility that we will be transferred there this
Fall. We are not going to tell our families because they prayed against it
the last time we told them. We want God's will in this. I'm not afraid to
go. Neither are the children. God provided the Hebrew language study for
us and we are studying now. Many, many Jews are finding Messiah. So much
so that the Israeli government is trying to pass legislation prohibiting
Christians from proseltizing Jews. Many Rabbis have found their Messiah and
are still ministering as Rabbis. We see this as an open door for God to take
us there and use us for HIS purpose. There is no safer place than in the
center of God's will. It's hard to think of giving up the farm, the animals
and all my food storage (lol) but I know if it's God's will it will all work
out. It's kind of ironic to think about our lives over the past few years.
We left inner city ministry, gun shots down the street, etc. My husband
even assisted a gun shot teenager until medical help could arrive. I'm
reminded of the night of the Rodney King verdict and how the streets
erupted. Hubby and I lay in bed with our two young children, all cuddled
together while angry people screamed, banged on the parsonage walls and
jumped on our car. We could hear gun shots. We did have a security system
but the police had already said they couldn't respond to security calls. We
lay there praying and thanking the Lord for the opportunity to serve and if
this was our time to go home well...then so be it. I can't express to you
the utter peace we felt. Here we were two white yuppies in a black/hispanic
neighborhood that was errupting with anger yet we were at peace. We knew we
were where God wanted us. Shortly thereafter we did leave the ministry and
began our homestead journey. Now here we are again possibly going back into
the city....a possible war zone this time. I know the dynamics won't be the
same but the inner peace is. It's as though God took us off the shelf for a
time and now is placing us back into the line of fire. I never thought we'd
ever leave the farm but now find myself longing for some adventure. I want
to see God move. Thanks for asking....Deanna