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RE: prayers

Posted by: heather <heather@...>

You can also post to her mother at:

They have dedicated today's board to prayer & support for the family.

~Heather in CA

Wife of Peter
Mother to Elisabeth (11)
Rebecca (10)
Emma Rose (23 months)
And Sarah (4 months)

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the
Lord our God."
— Psalm 20:7 (NIV)

-----Original Message-----

Sisters, a friend of mine ask for prayer on behalf of friends she has
through another list,. This little girl just turned 4 on January 10th and
has cancer and she has relapsed. She is back in the hospital and she needs
all the prayers she can get as she is most likely going to need another
transplant. Her mother has made a site for her .

Heather Mc (PA)
< < <
What wings are to a bird and sails to a
ship, is prayer to the soul."
Corrie Ten Boom