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Re: Praying for Tammy

Posted by: gladheart <gladheart@...>

Here I am!!! :o))) Sorry, I have slipped into the lurker mode lately. :o/
Thank you Marci for your loving concern... you are a great ListMama and

All is well here. We have decided to put all doctrinal issues with the
midwife on hold and just enjoy the birth of this blessing. She was here
today and it was a very pleasant visit. Thank you all so much for your

Please allow us to put out an open invitation to those of you who are
*melting* in other parts of the country... it is 65-70* with a humidity
factor of around 80% :o))) Would you be terribly disappointed in me to know
that I still have all the windows open, fans on, and taking cool showers?
Yep, I am *sweating*... must be baby insulation! LOL

Please continue to pray for us, your prayers are *very appreciated* :o)))
Love you all.

Gladheart Acres

>Please be praying for Tammy in Alaska. She is on this list and is due to
have her baby anytime. I >have not heard from her and there were some
possible problems with their midwife.

>I have been praying for you daily Tammy. Anxious to hear.