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Re: praying/need prayer

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

I would appreciate prayer for today and any other day that others would feel
led to pray over the next two weeks. My husband is currently in Israel.
Normally I do just fine with his being gone. However, yesterday I just
couldn't keep from sobbing. I never cry at the airport. I cried before I
even GOT to the airport. a big sobbing baby. I've cried a couple of times
today. I'm not hormonal (wrong time). I've got to pull myself together.
My children are supportive. I don't even know why I'm crying. He's safe.
I spoke with him this morning as he was exiting customs. He was supposed
to call me back several hours ago when they checked into the hotel but as of
yet I've not heard from him. I don't feel like a nervous basket case.
Actually I feel calm...I just keep crying!

Thanks for asking about Steff. Update follows for those interested:

Steff update:

I did hear from her on Tuesday. Her husband did have the interview on
Monday and it went well....BUT....they want to interview him again this
coming Wednesday. She called for some perspective....asked what I'd do.
She said they didn't have a peace about Portland when they drove through but
felt good about Eugene. The job he just had the 3rd interview for is 3
hours from Eugene. I told her I'd put her stuff in storage in Eugene, it's
centrally located in the state, they felt the Lord had told them to go to
Oregon, so this seemed like a reasonable place to store their stuff.
That's what they are going to do. She had the number of the Pastor that had
originally led her to the Lord in California. They are now pastoring in
Eugene. She has stayed in touch with them from time to time. She called
them after our conversation to ask if they could please help her find a
storage unit. Not only did they help her find a storage unit. They are
going to be out of town for a week and they have a very large parsonage. So
starting tomorrow Steff and family will be staying at the parsonage house
sitting for their friends. That will give them a place to stay until the
next interview. Their friends church is praying and the pastor told them
not to be afraid. "The church is praying and that we should all just wait
and see how God will work". That's the update. She was not in good spirits
during our first phone call but when she called me back later in the day to
tell me of the pastor's offer she was in great spirits. God had renewed her
