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Re: Rabbits

Posted by: angeliakay <angeliakay@...>

> If my children are allergic to dogs and cats, would rabbits be a bad idea?

They may not be allergic to your rabbits - My daughter is highly allergic to
cats and has no trouble whatsoever with the rabbits.

> Can rabbits live outdoors all year? Or is that cruel?

My rabbits live in hutches outside all year long. They have wire bottoms,
and hardware cloth on two sides. The other two sides are wood to protect
them from wind.

> Do angoras look different than the common rabbit or do they look
> Are angoras softer (as angora sweaters are)?

Angoras do look different from common rabbits - but I don't raise Angoras,
so I will defer to someone with more experience with them to further answer
this question.

> Do you feed them lettuce and carrots and such?

We give that sort of thing as a treat every now and then - my rabbits get
diarhea if I feed them to much greens or "treats" like this. The just eat
rabbit feed from the co-op.

> Are they good pets (will my children be able to hold them and love them)?

They are excellent pets, if they are handled often. We have school groups
come tour our farm and the rabbits are usually the favorite. You have to
teach children how to hold them or they could get a nasty scratch.

We have had rabbits for years and while we raise them for meat - we do love
them for pets too.

Angie B.