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Re: Rabbits -my thoughts UGGGH

Posted by: Goatsnsoaps <Goatsnsoaps@...>

Just a little update, I am so frustrated, all 7 bunnies I mentioned yesterday
have died! 4 wiggled their way out of the nest and I guess got too cold, I
tried warming them in water (I even tried blowing in their little mouths) and
they still died, then I tried to make the nest in such a way that the babies
would stop wiggleing out and I must have distrubed them too much and the mom
killed the other 3. I think we are the only people in the world that can not
get rabbits to reproduce. Our rex has been bred several times and has yet to
have a litter. we have 3 rex, a dwarf and another kind I'm not sure what he
is. The dwarf is the one who has lost 2 litters now. I think we'll give up
on rabbits. So Robin, I'm sorry I dont' have anything good to say about
rabbits today. Good news though, one of our deer had twins last night or
early this morning, we still have 3 does left to deliver any day now.
Nothing is cuter in the animal world then a fawn.
