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Re: re: ADHD our experience

Posted by: lmoreno4 <lmoreno4@...>

Dear Pat,
Thank you for the letter. That makes me feel better. I know he is a smart
boy. I home schooled my oldest for 5 years. I really don't think I could
home school the youngest. He and I butt heads. He knows how to push my
buttons. I take valerian sometimes to sleep. Can you tell me how much you
gave your son? Didn't it make him really sleepy? He is so small. He just
barely weighs 40 pounds. Did you give him capsule or tea? Sorry for all
the questions, but that would be so great if this worked for us. I would
much rather go herbal. Thank you again . Lisa

Lisa Moreno /
La Dulce Vida Farm ---/
Mascot, TN (oo) (~)