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Re: Re: [Christian-Vegan-Cooking] continued prayers

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

Please know that I would never make myself look sick to get help. That I have not gone on any government assistance at all, nor have any gone to any food banks. God told me from day one that he would provide and He has. The original post came from another list and should have stayed there. I have already emailed her and explained that God is providing for us and some of her ideas while I appreciated the thought behind them where not needed. I will admit that I had totally missed the part about making myself look ill to get help.
I want to stay pure before God. He has been faithful to us, I should stay faithful to Him as well.
Kathie you are a inspiration, and not many think the way you or I do anymore. It is so easy to go on assistance rather than trusting in God. Even when we trust in God many still believe that going on assistance is ok cause we pay taxes etc...
But this should have stayed on CVC.

Kathie Bartholomew wrote:

> I hope I am not out of line for saying this. I have been through some tough times when my husband couldn't support the family, so I know that it can be difficult. My husband was unable to work for a year due to cancer and we did all his treatments at home because we couldn't afford medical care. He was very sick--only 110 pounds. We didn't want the chemo and radiation anyway. Another time he was in jail for a year.
> During these hard times I homeschooled my three kids, babysat two different sets of twin boys plus 3 other children, cleaned houses, worked outside in the summer heat digging holes for landscaping and fruit trees and found other ways to earn money. We did not apply for welfare and we did not ask family or friends for help. We kept a garden going for food. We just lived simply. Of course I didn't have time for hobbies or for the internet--I didn't even have money to go online. I just prayed that God would keep my 25-year-old car going, which He did. (We sold our van so we could pay all our bills.) But my kids learned that sometimes God provides by blessing the effort you make for yourself.
> Well, it all had a happy ending. My husband recovered from cancer. Three years after the jail sentence, one of his false accusers confessed. And we appreciate what we have more than ever. I never thought to complain because I was very busy. It kept me happy and peaceful. And I didn't have to try to "look sick" to get help. I hope no one is offended that I present a different perspective. I do not condemn going on welfare or asking for help in all cases. 🙂 KB
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 1:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [Christian-Vegan-Cooking] continued prayers
> cry out lood to those that have your husband.. even if you have todrag those cuties with
> you...let them know that you mean business..and you want justice... be a
> thorn in their side.. if you are of anglo persuasian...put on some
> lighter make up and look sick..[i am sure you will have a hard
> time looking like that..cause you eat right] but some times you got to
> look the part before they can look at you and pay some attention to your needs and troubles..
> let me know how things go..your friend helen
> ________________________________________________________________