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Re: Re: high school/college credit

Posted by: the5kims <the5kims@...>

Oh Deanna ~ This is interesting!

>Here in MN and in many other states a high school student can take a
> level course and receive both HS and college credit. The course is listed
> as an AP (advanced placement) course on their high school transcript.

I have never heard of AP credit given for college course, especially if it
counts for both high school and college credit. Now that is interesting. I
will have to look into that next year when our son enters high school.
Maybe it is our charter school that doesn't allow it. But that would
probably interest him ~ taking university classes via the internet. For the
past two years, Johns Hopkins has been "courting" him to take classes via
the internet, but they are outrageously expensive. They are writing
classes, and based on a test score that they give, they place you in the
class. When he was 9, he took their test and they placed him at 11th grade
English/writing level. So now they send us info to take a class via the
internet. Since I'm an English/composition/literature teacher by trade, I
won't be paying anyone to teach this to my children. Even so, Johns Hopkins
doesn't offer college credit. Of course I realize this is different than
what you are talking about.

Thanks for the info and ideas! ~ Robin "And let us not become weary in well
doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." Gal. 6:9