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Re: Re: homesteadheaven Digest 6 Jun 2001 09:00:50 -0000 Issue 58

Posted by: stampinworm <stampinworm@...>

Have you been using the same plot all these years? If so, you need to move
your tomatoes to another plot. Try to grow some in a container, those made
for containers that is...and see how that does. It might mean you need to
try different varieties and different areas of plots and try a container for
a change. Forget the miracle grow as it doesn't help the tomoatoes. Get
Rodale's Organic Gardening at the library and check up on organic tomatoes
and see how that works. I have forgotten more than I read years ago and need
to do a brush up myself. I wish I could be of more help.
Vaughnde Edwards

>Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Re: homesteadheaven Digest 6 Jun 2001 09:00:50
>-0000 Issue 58
>Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 10:56:09 EDT
>good day, ladies! I need some tomato help! We've lived on our "farm" for
>about 5 years now and every year I have tried to grow tomatoes with limited
>success. If they grow tall and the stems and leaves look healthy then the
>tomatoes are black and rotten on the bottom. Some years the plants don't
>even look all that great and therefore barely produce. I've tried
>fertilizing (with miracle grow and other types) but this hasn't helped
>This year they seem to be doing worse than in previous years! And I love a
>good tomato and mayo sandwich!!! Was also hoping to can! I'm still a
>gardener so please advise!

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