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Re: Re: Lisa

Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

He's not actually home yet but will be home all the weekends of January instead of having to be on call in the other town. For right now, he'll be staying over there on Monday nights and Thursday nights and will be home at 6:30 on the other three nights. We have so much to get done around here, there's not much free time. We have been remodeling our kitchen and recently installed a laminate floor. More countertop needs to be bought and installed and dh has some cabinet doors to build and paint. One Saturday this month we need to go cut more firewood. The timing belt or something went out on my oldest son's car this week so dh is gone right now, twenty miles away, to load the car on our trailer to haul it here for repairs. Dh will be doing all the repair work, probably today and tomorrow.
Dh is very anxious to be home more so that he can get the projects done around here that need to be done, get lots of rest as all the hours he has worked have really taken a toll, and focus on the relationships that matter to him...God, me, the children.
Back to work for me, I'm still washing stuff that came out of the apartment and boxing much of it for the thrift shop. Lisa in NM


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